The regulation aims to accommodate those who, entered into a new lease agreement before or during the lockdown period and those who were parties to the transfer of immovable property.
What is important to keep in mind is that this regulation allows for the once off movement of persons who are relocating or transporting goods, such as their personal belongings.
The relocation of persons may only be done between 7th May up until the 7th June 2020.
Every relocating person must be accompanied by:
A permit issued from any South African Police Station (SAPS), which must correspond with form 1, which is found with the regulation in the Government Gazette; and
You must indicate the persons who are part of the household who will be required to move; and
The Lease agreement, which must indicate the date of expiry of the old lease and the date of commencement of the new lease or the transfer documents attesting to the change in residence or change of the property’s ownership.
The relocating person who makes use of public or private transport must still adhere to the relevant directives issued by the minister of transport, pertaining to safety measures and curfew hours.
Should you have any concerns or queries in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Office: +27 (0)11 646 8411
70A Oxford Road, Riviera, Johannesburg
PO Box 87249, Houghton, 2041